Beginners climbing course

To get started…

learn with us rope safety techniques and how to move in the vertical dimension!

You never climbed and you would like to learn, assisted by qualified instructors?
If you are a beginner and want to learn climbing, our beginners course is right for you!

We will meet twice a week to find out together how to approach climbing. During the course, you will learn both rope climbing and bouldering, focusing on two fundamental aspects: safety and body movement.

We will provide you with solid foundations to continue the climbing adventure even on the crag!

Sign up for the beginners course


You will acquire the basic knowledge of the vertical movement technique and you will learn to climb and belay on roped routes, both as second and first on rope. Finally, we will deepen the technique of the “belay maneuver” which allows us to safely recover the material we use to climb on the crag.


The beginners course lasts three months with twice-weekly meetings each lasting about an hour and a half.
Note: some of the lessons are mandatory and essential for your safety, so if you miss one you will need to book a personalized recovery session in order to continue.


All the necessary equipment is included in the course fee: climbing shoes, harness, rope, quickdraws and “Petzl” power brake insurer.


€45/month + annual subscription €35

a sports medical certificate is required (even non-competitive)

What are you waiting for?

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to attend the beginners course?

To attend the beginners course you must have a valid medical certificate for sporting activity (even non-competitive is fine).

Do I always have to attend the course at the same time?

Nope! We have designed our courses so that you can decide each time when to come: you can choose Monday or Tuesday for the first lesson of the week and Wednesday or Thursday for the second one. Booking is available among 6 weekly spots that we offer through our web platform.

At the end of the course, can I go independent climbing on the crag?

The course is designed to give you the basics and make you independent, but whether at the end of the course you will have reached a level of knowledge sufficient to go on natural rock, will depend on several factors.
Talk to your instructor, he will be able to advise you on whether it is appropriate to continue an in-depth study of the techniques.
Be Safe!

What happens if I miss classes?

If the lesson you missed concerns safety-related topics, you will need to take a private lesson with our instructors to catch up with the group and continue the course. If you miss a class regarding other topics,
catching up is strongly recommended but not essential.

I'm not sure whether to attend the beginners course, how can I understand if climbing is right for me?

Come visit us and let’s talk about it!
Doing the Climbing Experience together will let us understand your doubts, analyze them and advise you in the best possible way.